IGEM Aix-Marseille

Project title: International Genetically Egineered Machine 

Topics: life science, engineering

Disciplinary fields: synthetic biology, engineering

Summary: This project has two aims, first to improve and expand the intersectorial teaching of synthetic biology at Aix-Marseille University (AMU) and second to aid success of the interdisciplinary student group that participates in the iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) competition. These two objectives are clearly linked, as improved and expanded teaching helps success, and competition success improves visibility and teaching demand. IGEM is a synthetic biology competition initiated by MIT in 2003. It now involves over 300 teams from across the world, including (since 2014) one from AMU. In the competition students from different university departments and at different levels in their studies construct an innovative, integrated multi-disciplinary project centered on biology, involving engineering, chemistry, computer science, mathematics and also fields like economics or law. The project encourages the students to develop an international vision, apply their academic studies in a professional and legal framework, and develop contacts with industrial and institutional partners. The project helps students consider a future direction in innovation and entering the job market. The Academy of Excellence program intends to aid the participation of the AMU students in the iGEM competition and increase their success while at the same time promoting the concepts of synthetic biology and showing them the possibilities that this rapidly developing industrial sector offers.

Project interlocutor: James Sturgis, LISM (UMR 7255)

Project duration: 01/01/2019 – 12/31/2020

Call for proposal: Académie d’Excellence 2017

Photography crédits: iGEM on Flikr, License CC

Citer ce billet
amidex (2019, 29 août). IGEM Aix-Marseille. L'interdisciplinarité : pourquoi et comment ? Consulté le 16 avril 2024, à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/b1jw

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