Corporate Social Responsibility. Today Real World

Project acronym: CSR-TRW
Topics: innovation, technological change, management, social responsability
Disciplinary fields: law, political sciences, social sciences, management, economy and finances, environmental sciences
Summary: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is now an unavoidable aspect of public and private management. For companies as well as public operators, the major challenge lies in being able to recruit responsible executives who—in their management missions—are able to simultaneously address constraints regarding efficiency, performance, and pressing social and environmental situations. The CSR>TRW project offers students training and certification in CSR theories and techniques. It consists of a series of fundamental CSR modules based on practical case studies and role-playing scenarios. Certified by Sciences Po Aix, the CSR>TRW certification is awarded after passing an exam, and validates the training course. Centered on the theme of innovation and technological change, the interdisciplinary and cross-sector pedagogical challenge of the Sciences Po Aix/Ecole Centrale de Marseille Masters is situated at the crossroads of rational processes (scientific, economic, organizational, human, etc.) and ongoing normative processes in society and in the economy (rules, institutions, types of legitimacy, the inclusive nature of long-term decision-making processes …). The certification combines the scientific cultures derived from engineering sciences, social sciences, and decision sciences; by way of the CSR>TRW project, the training aims for a professional and certified accountability of the leaders of tomorrow.
Project interlocutor: Franck Biglione, IEP Aix-en-Provence
Project duration: 01/01/2019 – 12/31/2020
Call for proposal: Académie d’Excellence 2017
Photography credits: Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on Unsplash, License
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