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Generalisation of internships and apprenticeships in action

Project acronym: Train’ing

Topics: teaching practices, active learning, apprenticeship, company ethos skills approach

Disciplinary fields: engineering sciences, management, human sciences

Summary: Marseille engineering school is reviewing its learning schedule in order to engage transformation of its teaching practices. Alongside the generalisation of internships, a week of learning through experience, known as “Train’Ing”, has been inserted every three academic weeks. The objective is for students to become active participants in their education and options, for them to encounter empirical problems and develop human, relational and organisational skills through which they will become leaders, creating value for their company. The activities developed during the Train’Ing weeks are multiple: activities on experimental platforms, exposure to societal issues, workshops on management, leadership and behavioural agility, creativity, innovation, design thinking, partnership days with companies. Professionals will be extensively solicited, and these fixed weeks open up the opportunity of welcoming and interacting with other local stakeholders (teachers and students from the site).

Active mentoring is ensured around activities devoted to projects, and more general support for students will facilitate their informed selection of their academic trajectory. Teaching innovation, which is therefore essential to the proposal, will require a review of how skills are assessed, which is a major element in this approach.

Project interlocutor: Carole Deumié, Ecole centrale de Marseille, Institut Fresnel (UMR 7249)

Project duration: 01/01/2019 – 12/31/2020

Call for proposal: Académie d’Excellence 2017

Photography credits: Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
amidex (30 janvier 2020). Generalisation of internships and apprenticeships in action. L'interdisciplinarité : pourquoi et comment ? Consulté le 17 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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