Institute of Mediterranean Societies in Transition
Aix-Marseille Université Institute for Research and Education
SoMuM – Sociétés en Mutation en Méditerranée
Topics: Changing Societies, Big Data, Mediterranean Studies, Africa, Middle East, International Collaboration, Interdisciplinarity training, Innovation, Big Data, Teaching-Research Relationship
Disciplinary fields: Anthropology, History, Geography, Demography, Sociology, Art History, Languages, Philosophy, Philology, Law, Politic science, Economy, Digital Humanities
Summary: The SoMuM Institute aims to describe, analyse and anticipate the profound and lasting transformations of the Mediterranean region at the interface of Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Within an interdisciplinary framework, the research and pedagogical work of this institute will make it possible to study: transitions, lasting destabilisation, crises; legacies and circulation; and finally territorial dynamics and recomposition. Digital platforms and tools for new conceptualizations will thus be created.
Operating as an observatory of the major global challenges to be met, SoMuM covers a broad disciplinary field in the human and social sciences on the site of the University of Aix-Marseille by relying on an international network of scientists and socio-economic and cultural actors.
Institut interlocutors:
– Director: Sylvie Mazzella (LAMES, UMR 7305),
– Deputy Director for Education: Isabelle Renaudet (TELEMMe,7303),
– Deputy Director for Research: Delphine Mercier (LEST, UMR 7317)
Research Units:
CGGG – Centre Gilles Gaston Granger
CHERPA – Croyance, Histoire, Espace, Régulation Politique et Administrative
CNE – Centre Norbert Elias
DICE – Droit International Comparé et Européen
IDEMEC – Institut D’Ethnologie Méditerranéenne, Européenne et Comparative
IMAF – Institut des Mondes Africains
IREMAM – Institut de Recherches et d’Etudes sur les Mondes Arabes et Musulmans
LAMES – Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Sociologie
LEST – Laboratoire d’Economie et de Sociologie du Travail
LPED – Laboratoire Population Environnement Développement
TDMAM – Textes et Documents de la Méditerranée Antique et Médiévale
TELEMMe – Temps, Espaces, Langages, Europe Méridionale – Méditerranée
ALLSH – Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Aix-en-Provence
FDSP – Faculty of Law and Political Science
MMSH – Mediterranean Social Science Centre
Doctoral Schools:
Legal and Political Sciences (ED 67)
Spaces Cultures Societies (ED 355)
more information: SoMuM on Aix-Marseille University website
Photography credits: Photo by Artur Aldyrkhanov on Unsplash
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