Institute for Physics of the Universe
Aix-Marseille Université Institute for Research and Education
IPhU – Institut Physique de l’Univers
Topics: Big Data, Technological Innovations, Dark Matter and Energy, Particles and Astroparticles, Theory and Models, Primordial Universe
Disciplinary Fields: Cosmology, Physics, Matter Science
Summary: IPhU is a leading collaborative scientific research and education environment, with a strong attractiveness and international influence, dedicated to the Physics of the Universe and associated technologies, from the infinitely small scales of particle physics to the infinitely large ones of cosmology, with high-energy astrophysics in between. Its goal is to provide answers to the key questions of the field that defy our imagination: which fundamental laws govern the Universe? What is it made of? How did it form and how does it evolve? Do we understand the Universe in its extreme states?
The institute brings together and synergizes theoretical, observational and experimental skills which are internationally recognized. This synergy represents a unique added value that contributes to the sustainability of the intimate connection that IPhU perpetuates between research, its Graduate School’s internationalized and innovative education, and the socio-economic world.
Institut Interlocutors:
– Director: Eric Kajfasz (CPPM, UMR 7346)
– Deputy Director for Education: under appointment
– Deputy Director for Research: Stéphane Basa (LAM, UMR 7326)
Research Units:
CPPM – Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille
CPT – Centre de Physique Théorique
LAM – Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille
FDS – Faculty of Science
Institute Pythéas – Observatory for Space, Earth and Environment Sciences
Doctoral school:
Physics and Matter Sciences (ED 352)
For more information: IPhU on Aix-Marseille University website
Photography Credits: Photo by ActionVance on Unsplash
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