Institute for Creativity and Innovation
Aix-Marseille Université Institute for Research and Education
InCIAM – Institut Créativité et Innovations
Topics: Support for Creativity and Innovation, Adaptation to Humans, Creativity, Education, Training, Health, Technologies, Work
Disciplinary Fields: Psychology (Cognitive, Ergonomic, Social, Clinical, Clinical, Psychoanalytical, Differential, Developmental), Ergonomy, Management Science, Economy, Neurosciences, Medicine, Education Science, Language Science, Information and Communication Science, Arts and Technologies, Literature, Epistemology
Summary: The Institut for Creativity and Innovation is a scientific multidisciplinary network, conducting fundamental and applied research, in connection with the socio-economic world, to understand and support creative and innovation processes in the fields of health, education and work. Creative activities lead to scientific discoveries, cultural works and innovations that can change people’s entire ways of life. By analysing processes that extend from the emergence of ideas to the implementation of innovations, the research undertaken at InCIAM has the potential to drive both scientific and social advances. Creativity and innovation specialists at the institute will work closely with specialists in applied areas of health, work and education. This interdisciplinary collaboration improves our understanding of creative and innovation processes and, by so doing, favours creativity and contributes to the development of innovations adapted to human capabilities, limitations and needs.
Institut Interlocutors:
– Director: Nathalie Bonnardel (PSYCLE, EA 3273)
– Deputy Director for Education: Fabien Girandola (LPS, UMR 8502)
– Deputy Director for Research: Ariel Mendez (LEST, UMR 7317)
Research Units:
ADEF – Apprentissage, Didactique, Évaluation, Formation
CERGAM – Centre d’Études et de Recherche en Gestion d’Aix-Marseille
CGGG – Centre Gilles Gaston Granger
CIELAM – Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Étude des Littératures d’Aix-Marseille
CRET-LOG – Centre de Recherche sur le Transport et la Logistique
C2VN – Centre de Recherche en Cardiovasculaire et Nutrition
IMSIC – Institut Méditerranéen des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication
LEST – Laboratoire d’Économie et de Sociologie du Travail
LIS – Laboratoire d’Informatique & Systèmes
LNSC – Laboratoire de Neurosciences Sensorielles et Cognitives
LPC – Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive
LPCPP – Laboratoire de Psychologie Clinique, de Psychopathologie et de Psychanalyse
LPL – Laboratoire Parole et Langage
LPS – Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale
PRISM – Perception Représentations Image Son Musique
PSYCLE – Psychologie de la Connaissance, du Langage et de l’Émotion
VITROME – Vecteurs – Infections Tropicales et Méditerranéennes
ALLSH – Faculty of Arts and Humanities
FEG – Faculty of Economics and Management
Inspé – National Institut of Teaching and Education
Doctoral Schools:
Cognition, Language, Education (ED 356)
Economic and Management Sciences of Aix-Marseille (ED 372)
Engineering Sciences (ED 353)
Life and Health Sciences (ED 62)
Mathematics and Informatics (ED 184)
Spaces Cultures Societies (ED 356)
For more information: InCIAM on Aix-Marseille University website
Photography credits: Photo by Kendall Ruth on Unsplash
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